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Fishing Report – Guatemalan Billfishing Adventures - February 2010

It seemed unlikely for February to follow in the footsteps of the unbelievable excitement that January had to offer, but that it did. All our anglers enjoying fantastic trips with some big sailfish release days. One of the months highlights was that Capt. Brad Philipps was awarded The Billfish Foundations, Overall Release Captain of the Year Award and the Pacific Sailfish Release Award at their February awards ceremony in Miami, that's the 8th year in a row Brad has received these accolades.

We started the month with our South African hunting friends Casper and Lizette Walker joining us for some red-hot sailfishing. On the 2nd of February the couple released 20 sailfish from 30 bites. The following day they releases 47 from 70 bites with some large dorado throw into the mix for a non-stop angling fest. The 4th saw 15 sailfish releases from 19 bites. With a short sightseeing break in beautiful Antigua, Casper was back at it aboard the 'Decisive' while Lizette fished the IWFA tournament. With the boat all to himself, Casper opted to throw the fly at fish that would tease and did a fine job over the next three days, going 4 from 4 on the fly and 7 from 9 on the spin rod on the 7th. Casper released 4 of fly and 9 on bait the next day, with 3 on fly and 10 on bait his last day and a large blue that gave a half hearted attempt at the pitch bait to see out a wonderful trip with some fantastic fishing.

The 12th saw Jim Owens, with sons Jay and Ben, along with uncle John Owens visiting with us. The bite started out great with releasing 22 from 38. They followed that up with 9 from 9 on the 13th and 3 from 5 the next day.

Brad and Lori Watkins, and John Wendkos fished with us the 15th through the 18th. Fishing predominantly 6lb and 12lb test line they released 11 from 13, 14 from 16, 11 from 18 and 10 from 15 to finish off a trip filled with some great days.

Our Guatemalan neighbors Scott and Kristy Lund were with us to enjoy their home and release a couple fish on fly and bait on the 20th as well as a round of great golf at Antigua Golf Resort.

Decisive's owner Steve Cothron's wife Diane brought down Steve's father Olen Cothron along with his wife Barbara to enjoy what we do in Guatemala. Everybody released a sailfish on a short days outing, while indulging in the pleasures of our Billfish Inn after which they spent the following day in the wonderful; town of Antigua.

Texans Robert Mills and friends Keith Halloran, James Lee, James Fryfogle were on the sailfish for the 26th and 27th releasing 22 from 27 and 12 from 16 for a very successful trip to these rich waters.

It's proving to be another great year in Guatemala, we will be taking bookings right through June so come on down and enjoy the very best in billfishing.

Until the next report, tight lines, circle hooks and healthy releases.

Capt. Brad Philipps