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Fishing Report - Guatemalan Billfishing Adventures - 4th April 2006

Guatemalan Billfishing Adventures - Fishing Report - 4th April 2006

What a month March turned out to be, with new boat highs of 80 releases on the bait in a day, as well as that incredible day of 51 releases on the fly on March 11th. We totalled 586 sailfish releases, a 650lb black and 2 blue marlin releases for the month with lots of fishing on the fly pushing our yearly fly releases to 241 for the first three months.

Since our last report we have had some really cool

people down to enjoy in the bumper sailfishing, and we cann't say enough about what a great time all our anglers have had with us.
The 16th of March saw Tred Barta, down with us along with his lovely wife Anni, to shoot his show "The best and Worst of Tred Barta", for OLN TV. What a fun 2 days on the water it proved to be. It was Anni's first go at billfishing and what pleasure it was sharing in her learning experience. She set out to do it all herself, and learn she did, by the end of it she was doing superbly, hooking her last 7 straight.
Tred started off using his old techniques on the fly rod and missing a few but with a little coaching got the hang of our KISS theory and really gave it to them with the fly rod, releasing 14 from 14 in his final stretch.......nice job Tred. We sure look forward to seeing the show, with over 120 fish up, it's not only going to be full of action but a real hoot to, as Tred was on fine form, we really had some good laughs!!

Dennis Coleman and friends of the Carolina's joined us the 19th threw 22nd, with some superb fishing. The "Decisive" started by releasing 28 from 49 on the 19th as well as missing a 350lb blue on an awesome mackeral bite. We upped that the following day with 39 releases, to follow it with 34 the following and finish it off with 7 and another missed blue on their final day, to see the group of twelve which were rotating boats and have been joining us for years, have one of their best trips ever.

Rick Lawrence of "upstate" NY, joined us with son-in-law Todd Brown and friend, John Commerford on the 23rd. John started his first billfishing trip in true style with a blue marlin release of 350lb's right off the bat while we quickly despatched of a sial on the right rigger at the same time. We released another 7 sails thier first day but couldn't get on them the next two days, with only another small handful of sailfish and some yellowfin tuna while out wide looking for action.

The 26th saw us fishing a local charter releasing 16 sailfish and also watch a fellow boat release a blue marlin of well over 800lb's while we jockeyed to get some photo's.

Micheal Burtnick, our friend from New Jersey shot down to take advantage of a two day opening along with his friend, Mike Kredel, and was joined by photojournailst Rick Gaffney of Hawaii who was in town doing an article. The fishing wasn't red-hot but it sure was good to see Micheal again. We went 11 from 22 on the 27th and 4 from 5 the 28th.

Bill Easum, the man whom I have to thank for putting me in touch with the "Decisive's" owner Steve Cothron, fished with us the last three days of March with the highlight being 9 sailfish releases and releasing one out of two blues on the final day, the fish we scored on would have gone a solid 600lb's, nice work on standup 50lb.

Ed Giesler, Bobby Lawfenberg, Brain Kayhart and Derek Moore all of NJ, had a blast with some great consistent fishing the first 4 days of April releasing a total of 86 sailfish and Ed releasing his first blue marlin, a fish of around 350lb's. The marlin have been around and we were unlucky to have pulled the hooks on another 3 blues over the 4 days, but that is fishing.