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Jan 29, 30, 31st, 2012 - Aboard Decisive

3 wonderful days of Fishing that far exceeded our expectations. Your customer service at sea and on land, was first class.
Over 80 Fish caught, great meals, great friends and life-long memories made this a simply fantastic vacation.

Your attention to detail and willingness to ensure your guests are made to feel as part of your family makes your operation First Class.

Until next time, thank you for all you did for the three of us, it was an adventure we will never forget.

Dave Maddaluna NC
Mike Malin NY
Dan Wadley OH
Anglers: Dan, Dave, Mike
Mates: Kennedy, Jhonny. Capt. Brad Philipps
Guatemala Day 3. 24 more fish, bringing 3 day total to 80. Great outfit and first class service with Captain Brad, Cindy and the crew. Check out

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By Dave Maddaluna