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Dec 30th, 31st, 2010 - Aboard DECISIVE!

Dear Brad and Cindy,
Wow what a great trip. Thank you Brad for your guidance with catching my first blue marlin and all the fish that followed. By the end od the day I was exhausted and exhilarated at the same time. And thank you cindy and staff for pampering me. You make me feel so special when I'm there. Airfare - $400.00, Time off work - varies, My First Marlin - PRICELESS. Hope to see you soon,
Diane Cothron

Well we spent are second New Year's in Guatemala with good friends along with some great fishing action. Diane nails her first Blue Marlin on 50lb stand up gear in 40 min. She will always have a different respect for the Billfish that wears the Blue suite. When you get that feeling of hey this fish has more power than anything I have battled before that get's your attention. Throw in 2 sails and 6 Dorado she has the bug!! Did I mention we left the dock at 10am we had a few adult beverages the night before:)

Cindy and the staff fed us till we were ready to pop, the Dorado with the White wine cream sauce is to die for.

See you guys in a couple of weeks

Steve L. Cothron