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Dec 27, 28, 29, 2011 - Aboard DECISIVE

Cindy and Brad: what a great time we have had. You made us feel like a King. The staff, food, accommodations were first class! Fishing was off the chart! In three days of fishing we had 20 Sails and 3 Blue Marlin. Hate to leave and cannot wait to come back.

Strike-Zone Fishing
Dave & Angela Workman Jr.
Ponte Vedra, Florida
ps. Epic day of fishing when you and your Dad can catch a double header of Blue Marlin and then a double header of Sailfish for Angela and I.

Cindy & Brad: Thank you for the Queen treatment. The food was perfect and the companion was always fun.

Melissa Workman 

Cindy & Brad: Thanks for a very memorable experience-wonderful accommodations, unbelievable fishing with a crew and staff of great caretakers.
The experience was compounded by being with a son & daughter in law that makes our life exciting!
The double header with Dave Jr. and the double header Sailfish with Dave Jr and Angela was priceless!
Thanks for everything and we really experienced the Guatemalan finest at its Best!

Dave Workman Sr & Melissa Workman
Jacksonville, Florida