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Fishing Report - Guatemalan Billfishing Adventures - April 2008

Fishing Report - Guatemalan Billfishing Adventures - April 2008

April proved another great month for us in Guatemala. The sailfish were biting with great consistency, keeping rods bent and anglers enjoying. 'Decisive' released 340 sailfish and 2 blues over 27 days on the water and has now released well over 2100 billfish since November 1st of 2007 to highlight just what another great season is proving to be.

Bob Edmonds started things off for us on April 1st releasing 14 sailfish from 24 bites after his 24 releases the day before. Things slowed a little the next day with 4 releases but Bob still totaled 42 fish as the single angler in his 3 days and left a happy man.

Kendrick Mattox and friends, Callum Parrott, George Macon, Moultrie Dotterer, Cooper Fowler and Patrick Holder joined us at the Billfish Inn for 4 days of fishing. The group fished aboard the 'Decisive' and the 'Release' throwing the fly and bait at fish over three fairly slow days to start with, although marlin were seen in the spread and sails were released. Their 4th day was the real turning point when a really hot bite was found and things went crazy for the deserving anglers. Aboard the 'Decisive' the boys went 12 from 22 on the spinning and conventional tackle, while also releasing 6 on the fly rods for a smorgasbord of action. The 'Release' was also in on the same action ensuring we saw the group off in fine style.

Our friends John and Heather Harvey made the long trip from South Africa to join us again and started off in fine fashion with Heather releasing her first Pacific blue marlin, making short work of a 300lber on the 50lb standup gear, from a fish we raised on the bridge teaser. Nice going Heather, and another 16 sailfish releases made for a great day shared with the fun loving couple. The next two days saw things slow a little with us releasing 5 and then 4 fish.

Our regular friends Brad Watkins, John Wendkos and Joey Zimmer brought down the 4, 6 and 8lb tackle to persuade the sailfish and marlin with over the next three days. The 11th saw a great bite with the guys going 25 from 36 with over 15 of those fish being released on 4 or 6lb test. The following day saw their averages go up even higher, releasing 25 from 34 bites with another 17 of those releases on 4 or 6lb. A real testament to the quality of angling and team work we had going on. The 19th saw the trio releasing 19 from 35, while the Harvey's released 27 from 45 aboard the 'Intensity' which we had chartered for them for the day.

The weather got a little snotty on us for the next 2 days, which is really unusual for here so we took a break from the fishing but the Harvey's were welcomed back to it on the 16th with the fish still biting and releasing 22 from 35 bites with Heather having the honor of releasing our 2000th billfish for the 2007/2008 season aboard the 'Decisive'. With 17 from 27 bites the following day, the couple ended a most memorable billfishing adventure.

The fishing stayed really steady over the next 5 days, with our NY clients going 23 from 28, 17 from 24, 27 from 44, 25 from 33 and 8 from 13 on a shortened final day, to release well over 100 fish for their trip.

Rees and Sarah Poag joined us the 23rd through 25th with Rees chasing the sails on the fly while Sarah enjoyed the relaxingly private atmosphere of our Billfish Inn. Rees went 4 from 10 the first day on some finicky fish, and 3 from 9 on the fly and 2 on spin the next day. Day three proved the charm with the enthralled angler going 9 from 17 on the sails with a very large marlin in the spread which would not tease or eat the mackerel pitch-bait.

Chester Stokes our old friend from Jacksonville, Fl brought down his fishing team of Tommy Smith, James Moore and Jason Hadjis to try out some Guatemalan action. The boys released 16 from 23 their first day, 11 from 22 the next and finished it off with 6 from 17 the final day. The guys sure had a great time and we look forward to seeing them all down here on a more regular basis.

Our Billfish Inn neighbor and 'marlin charmer', Scott Lund brought with him Scott Armand, Dave Lockey and his usual marlin luck. After a steady morning going 14 from 26 on the sails the blue marlin started biting and in the next 2 hours we pulled the hook on a 400lb blue, released a 350 blue on 50 standup, had another 350 go ballistic on us doing a huge dive and then turn on the surface to break the 20lb line he was hooked on, and had another crash the teaser but not eat to make for some really exciting action. The current moved in some greener water the next day and getting on the same billfishing action as the previous day before proved tuff but with a horde of 20-50lb dorado in the area the Florida boys were kept busy pulling to their hearts contents.

From all this angling action, one can see that you just can't beat the amazing billfishing trips Guatemalan Billfishing Adventures has to offer. We still have May to fish and then we will repower the 'Decisive' with new faster engines and be back at it in early October again. Our bookings for next season are filling really fast, and it looks like we will have a second boat to accommodate our bulging demand. So start planning your next angling adventure and drop us an email or check out the website, it'd be great to see you here.

Until next report, tight lines, circle hooks and healthy releases.

Capt. Brad Philipps