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Fishing Report - Guatemalan Billfishing Adventures - 8th November 2006

Guatemalan Billfishing Adventures - Fish Report - 8th November 2006

The season is cranking up nicely, with plenty of sailfish and some hot blue marlin action to compliment the blue water and magnificent weather which has greeted us on every outing.

The 18th of October saw me back from a Venezuelan trip and out on our 40ft Gamefishermen, "Decisive", with angler Scott Cooper and friends to find a sailfish pick, going 7 from 15 on the sails and missing a nice blue that we raised 3 different times in a short order, but just could not get the hook to set.

Our long term friends from South Africa, Errol and Gill Preston, visited with us and enjoyed a thrilling day on the water the 25th of October. Gill did a fine job releasing her first ever sailfish, and then followed it up with several more, as well as a nice fish on the spinning tackle for good measure. Errol did it all, releasing 3 sails on the fly, 4 on the bait, 1 on the spin and then put the icing on the cake with a fiesty hard pulling blue marlin in the 250lb range he released on 50lb standup tackle. What a day, and how nice to share it all with friends and see Gill catch her first sail and Errol his first blue marlin. The blue marlin were sure around as every boat saw at least one blue a day for a week or so, with the bite picking up over the following days with the "Hook" releasing a blue marlin double header just to show that October is a prime month here, and one well worth fishing.

Scott Lund of Palm Beach, Florida, joined us the 28th of October for three days on the fly. Although the fish did not want to play the fly game with as much enthusiasm as Scott likes to play it, Scott did release a couple fish on the long wand and thoroughly enjoyed his stay in his "Villa" at the Billfish Inn.

Shorty and Robin Johnson of Texas invited there friends, Tom and Judy Christopher and Skip and Susan Casey down for a couple's getaway. The ladies were on deck for the 3rd of November and really gave the guys a great lesson in technique and angling skill. Although the numbers of 11 from 22, did not do them justice it was a true pleasure to see the ladies having such a good time on board while the husbands sat back, enjoyed the cold beers and shared in their wives enjoyment of it all. With the ladies on a sightseeing trip up in magnificent Antigua the following day, the boys were not to be outdone, and turned up the heat. An exciting day of fishing saw them release 27 sailfish from 43 bites on both conventional and 20lb spinning tackle, nice work boys!!!

The 5th through the 7th saw Sandy Stuart, his son Jeb, and Pete Blodgett join us from the "Windy City". None had previously released a sailfish and were most taken back with the magnificent conditions at sea, as well as the fine hospitality and food Cindy had in store for them back at the "Billfish Inn". They went 12 from 17, 16 from 19 and 7 from 11 in their consecutive days on the sailfish with those Eagle Claw circle hooks really upping the hookup averages, as well as a couple sushi yellowfin thrown in for good measure on the final day.

It is great to be back on the water again and having such great people visiting and sharing with us. We are going to be hard at for the next months, but there are a couple small openings here and there, as well as plenty of days available in the prime months of April, May and early June still. So drop Cindy a line,, bring your fishing buddy, business colleague, your kids, or your wife, and come on down for an outstanding billfishing adventure.

Until the next report, tight lines, circle hooks and healthy releases.

Capt. Brad Philipps